228 / Photography Exhibition and Book Launch/ Opening: Friday, 22 June 2018, 4 – 8 pm / Exhibition is on view through July 15th, 2018
Closed on Mondays and public holidays
Techno Ajor Building, 210, Keshavarz Blvd / Tel: 88977148
Nowadays, rapid development of technology has changed how we live and how we record and capture the moments!
In this digital age, the rise of Internet dependency among people is noticeable. Most people are addicted to the Internet which could be named as “online human being”.
Today’s generation claim to have “no time” and that reflects on their photos which they have taken and displayed on their Instagram, and It seems that the social media’s initial attraction is unreal and fades away quickly. In respect of digital artwork searched on search engine, does not generally have the same value as the work displayed on the wall of the gallery.
Given the above, we saw the need to publish a number of works published on the akasi magazine’s Instagram Page (@akasi.magazine), a small step, in part, of the continuity and durability of these works.
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